• All types of timber measurement is handled by Timpack Works - lineal metres, cubic metres, square metres, tonnes and all hardware measures such as per each, box, dozen, etc.

  • Stock control allows full timber tally recording for all or designated product codes. This allows you to determine the level of stock control you wish to go to.

  • Lineal metre, cubic metre and square metre quantities are automatically calculated based on tally, size and number of pieces entry.

  • Stock is updated through comprehensive Movements processing programs and fully integrated with the Purchase Order module, Sales Processing module and the General Ledger.

  • Detailed history is kept of every stock movement with a drill down option to view the transaction that produced the stock movement - just a simple process of selecting and clicking to view the detail.

  • Movement history allows complete tracking of stock on hand figures. "How did the computer get that stock on hand figure?" Backtrack from the current position and view every transaction - stock increase or decrease - to see the full trail.

  • Sophisticated stock reporting system allows you a high level of control on report sorting, data selection and data formatting. (See image next page.)

  • Stocktake module allows a stocktake to be run and processed without holding up live running.

  • Product codes can be grouped at three different levels for stock, pricing and sales analysis purposes allowing detailed reporting and various levels of summary.

  • Standard timber lengths can be pre-defined to pick up operator errors before they cause a problem downstream.

  • Multi location stock recording handled by warehouse / branch and rack / row number.

  • Standard cost, average cost and last cost is kept per product and / or warehouse. A cost history is maintained by supplier.

  • Complete integration with all other Timpack Works modules.




Site Created by Daisy Edwards 2006.